What is Your Pediatrician Reading?
Medscape Pediatrics, a leading source of medical information for physicians (if not the leading source of info for physicians), has released the Medscape Top 10 for in 2011 – this year’s 10 most important articles, chosen by being the most read articles of the year. ***Spoiler Alert*** This is tremendous news for WhiteOut, our campaign to upgrade from white rice cereal for babies. What pediatricians are reading:
10. An article on the best way to sedate kids who need a head CT.
9. Recommendations for safe sleep for babies.
8. The Immunization Resource Center – a very hot topic indeed.
7. Is acetaminophen harmful in children?
6. New guidelines on when the tonsils should come out – and when not.
5. New guidelines for managing iron deficiency.
4. New Guidelines on managing urinary tract infections in children.
3. New Children’s Hospital Rankings.
2. Struggling to live on a pediatrician’s salary – rising costs and stagnant reimbursements.
And… drumroll please… The most read article of the year on Medscape Pediatrics:
1. Starting Solid Foods: Are We Doing it Right? – Is the decades old practice of starting infants on white rice cereal the best practice? This is a story about WhiteOut.
Even though white rice cereal was the most recommended first food before the article – by almost 2 to 1 – of more 12,000 physicians who took part in a Medscape pre- and post- survey, 93% of those who responded after reading the article would not recommend white rice cereal.
Thanks to everyone* who has helped spread the WhiteOut word! People working together can change the world. The job’s not done yet, but together we can make this a lasting change for our kids.
*Special thanks to Richard Sachs, Karen Herzog, Beverly Richardson, Sylvia Tawse, Matthew Holt, and Christopher Gavigan.
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