The most important 90 seconds in EVERY pregnancy

Did you know that much of your baby’s blood is outside of it’s body at the moment of birth? And, that in the United States and Europe, this blood will never make it to your child?
You read that right, the umbilical cord in most births in 1st-world nations is cut before your baby has received all of their blood. The result is that your baby is deprived of precious early-life resources that could allow your child to flourish.
In fact, one third of a newborn’s blood is still in the placenta and umbilical cord at birth. I suggest waiting until the pulsing of the cord is slowing to a stop – often only about 90 seconds longer than conventional medical practice allows for.
If the cord is clamped too soon, before it stops pumping, your child can miss out on 60% of its red blood cells, additional iron, stem cells, white blood cells and much more. These are the ingredients that support your bundle of joy developing healthy bodily functions, intelligence, resistance to infection – the list goes on.
Even more incredible is how remarkably simple it is to prevent the loss of this biological gold mine for your new baby. Watch the video below, where I talk about exactly how our generation can tackle this problem – starting today.
We’ve started a campaign to spread this message, called TICC TOCC – Transitioning Immediate Cord Clamping to Optimal Cord Clamping. To learn more about it, watch my talk at TEDxBrussels (scroll that page for video).
If you know someone who is pregnant, please share this message with them. It will make a world of difference in the life of their young ones.
In the comments below, share with us some ideas you have about how we can spread this message.
This is super powerful stuff, and the best part is it’s amazingly simple.
How can you help make optimal cord clamping a reality?