Ear Infections Health Center

The most common age for temporary hearing loss is during that same precious time when the miracle of language development is unfolding. The most common cause for temporary hearing loss is the fluid in the middle ear space associated with ear infections. On average, fluid lingers for 3 weeks following an ear infection, but it can remain for months.

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Ear Tubes

Dr. Greene’s Answer: To have a specialist suggest surgery for your son must have felt quite mixed: Finally, a light appears at the end of the antibiotic-tunnel! Hope for uninterrupted sleep! But, I don’t want my little one to have surgery for ear tubes!!! And then, when your doctors disagree about what to do, the …

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A comprehensive look at ear health and related conditions.

Q&A Guides

When do ear infections necessitate antibiotics, and when are tubes appropriate? Dr. Greene answers these questions and more to help parents keep their children’s ears healthy and clear.


Ear health is related to the health of the body overall. Learn the various ways ear infections are triggered, and ways to treat them.


There are many ways to help prevent the onset of ear infections. Paying attention to diet, secondhand smoke, and methods of swabbing are just a few of the ways to ensure fewer ear infections in the future.


Sometimes ear infections are more complex than a bacterial infection. We take a look at other contributing factors, and what to do about them.


Ear tubes, steroids and antibiotics – treatment options for ear infections can often become overwhelming. Here is what you need to know when exploring your choices.

Ear Tubes

Dr. Greene covers the ins and outs of ear tubes, including their effects on hearing and development.