Childhood Obesity Health Center

Overweight children are not gluttonous or lazy. Many studies have shown that obese children do not eat more calories than their peers. It seems unfair, but obese children often need less food and more activity than their peers.

Understanding the causes of childhood obesity and the ways in which it can be treated will help you help your child feel better about themselves and their future health.

Featured Article

Low Fat Milk May NOT Reduce Calories or Weight

Commonly, parents are counseled to switch their children from whole milk to low fat or nonfat milk by age 2 or 3, in an effort to reduce calories, reduce fat, and reduce the risk of obesity. Studies show this strategy may actually make matters worse.

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Issues related to childhood obesity are not only about the weight itself. Energy, hormone levels, and blood sugar are just a few of the things that may fluctuate as a secondary effect of weight.

Q&A Guides

Whether we realize it or not, eating habits are often linked to mental and emotional states. Here we take a look at the relationship of hunger and boredom, as well as the affect of sugar and fiber in a child’s diet.

Weight and Nutrition

How much food do children typically need to keep a healthy weight? Is sugar better than artificial sweeteners? Learn which foods are ideal to help kids grow healthy with great eating habits.

Diabetes Education

A diabetes diagnosis can be scary, but there are ways to manage treatment in such a way that kids can still delight in their childhood. Often even simple changes such as adequate vitamin intake can improve symptoms.

Causes of Obesity

Fast food, too much sugar, unusual hormone levels: all contribute to obesity if not properly regulated. We look at ways to manage obesity, including its various and distinct causes.

Fitness & Excercise

It’s no secret that boredom often contributes to too much screen time, which can also be linked to eating as entertainment. Getting kids outside and keeping them occupied with creative projects supports them physically, mentally and emotionally.