SIDS Cause Uncovered: Dr. Greene Reports
Dr. Greene explains a new SIDS cause that has been found. Infants with a family history of SIDS should be fed at least every 4 hours.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome leads all other kinds of death in wrenching infants from their parents. What constitutes a SIDS cause is still not very well understood. One study uncovered the cause in about 2% of SIDS deaths.
According to the study results, some children lack an enzyme necessary to use stored food energy – they lapse into a coma and die if they go too many hours without eating.
Scientists are working on a test for this disorder.
In the meantime, infants with a family history of SIDS should be fed at least every 4 hours. Each time a cause of SIDS is discovered, we come a little closer to preventing this horrible event.
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