Most Cases of Reflux Go Untreated
If your child has tummy aches, poor appetite, respiratory problems, heartburn, or frequent spitting up, ask your doctor about the possibility of reflux.

Over 2/3 of children with GERD (the sloshing upwards of stomach acid) get no treatment at all – not even over-the-counter antacids. A study of more than 1,000 children published in the February 2000 issue of Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine reported that up to 8% of children age 3 to 17 years have reflux, yet fewer than 2.5% are diagnosed or treated.
If your child has tummy aches (the most common symptom), poor growth, poor appetite, chronic respiratory problems, heartburn, or frequent spitting up, ask your doctor about the possibility of reflux. The cause for your child’ s discomfort may have been missed.
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