The Window of Opportunity for Teaching Your Kids Great Eating Habits

Dr. Greene’s take on great eating habits…
What does mother goose have to do with getting kids to eat right?
Researcher Konrad Lorentz showed that by replacing a mother goose with something else as the first thing a baby goose encountered, he could alter the behavior of the baby goose to view that thing (even a toy train!!) as ‘mama’.
This phenomenon is referred to as “imprinting,” and it works just as well for “what’s for dinner?” as it does for “who’s mama?”
But there’s a catch – it only works for a short while.
If you want your children to make healthy food choices almost instinctually, you have just a couple of years to give your kids the right message about what to eat to keep them healthy.
Watch this video where I discuss the impact of ‘food imprinting’ and getting kids to fall in love with real food
Make sure that your kids smell the aromas of the foods you want them to learn to like early in life. AND you want them to see you eating healthy food as well.
We’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Tell me what you can do to put this in to practice in your family.
Or do you have some eating habits that you use in your family that already have them loving nutritious food?
Talk with you soon!
– Dr. Alan Greene