Tips for Where to Find Information on Car Seats

Excellent information on car seats (including approved models) for premature babies through older children is available from the Academy of Pediatrics. Another great resource is the website of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which highlights recent recalls.
There are now many approved brands of booster seats, including Basic Comfort, Britax, Century, Evenflo, Cosco, Graco, Guardian, Fisher-Price, LaRoche, Safeline Mission Control and Jupiter. Some booster seats can accommodate children as heavy as 100 pounds. Whatever seat you choose, always send in that pesky little registration card. New innovations may show problems with your model’s design, and you want the manufacturer to be able to find you with recall notices or additional instructions. If you have lost the card, or have a used car seat, call the Auto Safety Hotline to register — (888) 327-4236.
Be sure that any seat meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. Current information on car seat requirements can be found on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website ( Children with special health problems may need different restraint systems (information can be obtained from the Special KARS [Kids are Riding Safe] Program of the National Easter Seals Society — (800) 221-6827).